
Event listings

675 program

Take 6: Prelude To Rhapsody - Jazz Legends - Sponsored by Lexus Buy tickets
13 Event

In almost every biography of the group's career, you can read that Quincy Jones has called them the "the baddest vocal cats on the planet”. This opinion would probably be shared by Ray Charles, Ella Fitzgerald and Whitney Houston, all of whom worked alongside Take 6.

Utcazenész - Földes László Hobo előadása Buy tickets
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"..A történet, amit megírtam és előadok, nem rólam szól, én csak továbbadom, amit tudok. Elsősorban azért, hogy ez a nézet is fennmaradjon, ne csak a kiherélt, vagy átfényezett múlt és a szánalmas jelen.." -Hobo-

Lords of the Sound: Hans Zimmer zenéje Buy tickets
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The famous symphony orchestra "Lords of the Sound" presents the musical program "The Music of Hans Zimmer", which encompasses the most famous compositions of the musical genius of our time, Hans Zimmer!

Tiken Jah Fakoly – Acoustic Buy tickets
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Az elefántcsontparti Tiken Jah Fakoly Afrika egyik zenei ikonja, az ottani reggae egyik legnagyobb sztárja.

Stephen, the King Buy tickets
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Levente Szörényi – János Bródy / Levente Gyöngyösi
Rock-opera production in two parts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English subtitles

Az Illúzió Mesterei - Sárospatak Buy tickets
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Megújult műsorral, új fellépőkkel térnek vissza az Illúzió Mesterei Sárospatakra!

Postmodern Jukebox: The ‘10' Tour Buy tickets
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Behind the ‘pop music in a time machine' concept are arrangements of familiar contemporary pop hits and golden-oldies that are swinged-, jazzed- and doo-wopped-up before being planted in Motown-sounding soul. This simple but wonderful idea is one that works perfectly.

Lords of the Sound: Hans Zimmer zenéje Buy tickets
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The famous symphony orchestra "Lords of the Sound" presents the musical program "The Music of Hans Zimmer", which encompasses the most famous compositions of the musical genius of our time, Hans Zimmer!

Mike Gotthard: Sensual Brutality / JAZZMŰHELY Buy tickets
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On this November evening, the guitarist Mike Gotthard, who is equally receptive to the music of jazz, blues, rock and funk, will invite the audience into his own jazz-rock world where the instruments and melodies take centre stage.

Talamba 25: Promenade - Vendég: Sena, DJ Bootsie és a Cantemus Vegyeskar Buy tickets
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A magical meeting of two anniversaries on the Müpa Budapest stage: the Talamba Percussion Group is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year with a 21st-century arrangement of a piano cycle by Mussorgsky's piano cycle Pictures of an Exhibition as it turns 150 itself: following on the heels of Emerson, Lake & Palmer and Isao Tomita with their versions, they are presenting their own take on the 19th-century masterpiece, this one revised for percussion and electronica, and featuring DJ Bootsie.

Az Illúzió Mesterei - Gödöllő Buy tickets
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Megújult műsorral, új fellépőkkel térnek vissza az Illúzió Mesterei Gödöllőre!

Hungarian State Folk Ensemble: Wonderful Nativity Buy tickets
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The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble's nativity programme counts down to the night of the birth of Jesus, with scenes that are sometimes comic and other times heart-warming.

The Imaginary Invalid or The Cabal of Hypocrites Buy tickets
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János Vajda
Opera in two acts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English surtitles

Carmina Burana • Szegedi Kortárs Balett Buy tickets
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We get an insight into the ritual-filled life of barbarian settlement trying to seek out a living on the ruins of a civilisation and fighting for survival, fighting with their fears, trying to live through all things fate brings on to them.

OperaTour - French Buy tickets
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A 60-minute tour starts every day at 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30 in English. To request a tour in other languages (Italian, Spanish, German, French and Hungarian), please get in touch with the OperaTour team.
Please note that the auditorium is closed for visits during rehearsals. Guided tours are not available during performances.

PALOMA FAITH Buy tickets
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Paloma Faith BRIT Award nyertes angol énekes és színésznő, akiben édesapja révén spanyol vér is csörgedezik. Zenéje a soul és a jazz sajátos elegyéből építkezik, éneklési stílusát sok esetben Amy Winehouse-hoz és Etta Jameshez is hasonltják.

13 Event

2016-ban pályafutása első magyarországi koncertjét Veszprémben adta, most pedig 8 év után ismét visszatér a királynők városába Gregory Porter amerikai jazz-soul énekes, aki az elmúlt évtized egyik legnagyobb jazz világsztárja. Porter globális jelenség, azon kevés előadók egyike, aki képes arra, hogy zenéjével tömegekhez juttassa el a kortárs jazzt.

HAVASI Zongora show Buy tickets
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Havasi Balázs zongoraművész újra a Tokaj Fesztiválkatlanban ad koncertet 2024. augusztus 10-én!

Solére - Kapcsolódások (Connections)  / HEY JUNE! Buy tickets
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The singer, songwriter and producer Zsófia Szigeti released her first track in 2020 under the name of Solére, and quickly became a popular performer of contemporary Hungarian pop music. Her melodic, electronic pop music also found its way to radio, and her initial hits were followed by a 16-track debut album in 2022, IMA.

Baroque concert: Händel, Telemann, Gluck Buy tickets
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Jordi Savall is at the helm of the Budapest Festival Orchestra again! This time, the living legend of early music will be conducting a production centered around the themes of natural elements and the furies, performed on historic instruments by the Baroque Ensemble of the BFO founded in 2011.

Brahms Buy tickets
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The Budapest Festival Orchestra's Brahms series continues with a juxtaposition of grueling pursuit and easy success, as Hungarian dances precede weighty compositions.

Padlás - Musical Buy tickets
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Presser Gábor és Sztevanovity Dusán közismert dalaival fűszerezett darabja az egyik legsikeresebb magyar musical. Az „Ég és föld” között elhelyezkedő padlás Rádiósának, az oda tévedő négy szellemnek és a gengszter Barabásának a történetén már generációk nőttek fel. A félig mese félig musical kiváló szórakozást nyújt gyermekeknek és felnőtteknek egyaránt.

13 Event

Egy este, ahol 2 felvonásban a táncé a főszerep

Otello Buy tickets
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Giuseppe Verdi
Opera in two parts, four acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

Manon Buy tickets
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Sir Kenneth MacMillan / Jules Massenet / Martin Yates
Ballet in three acts

Philip Glass, Godfrey Reggio: Naqoyqatsi - Life as War (2002) Film concert featuring the Philip Glass Ensemble - Hungarian premiere Buy tickets
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After the success of Koyaanisqatsi, the American director Godfrey Reggio set out on the task of creating the rest of the Qatsi Trilogy.

Hilary Hahn, Mikko Franck and the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France Buy tickets
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The overture to Berlioz's late opera Béatrice et Bénédict is an exciting and dynamic piece of music. Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto is one of the most popular works of the 19th century: virtuosic and intimate at the same time.

Snétberger Trio - Special guest: Matthieu Michel Buy tickets
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It is no secret that Swedish double bass player Anders Jormin and American drummer Joey Baron are two of 2024/25 Artist of the Season Ferenc Snétberger's favourite musical partners.

Honeybeast – Cinema Trip - Zenés utazás 3D-ben Buy tickets
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Honeybeast, who explore the boundaries of funk and funky pop and rock have enjoyed countless albums and hits. The 2014 track A legnagyobb hős (The Greatest Hero) was a particularly highlight, racking up 24 (!) million views.

Kelemen Barnabás kamarakoncertje Buy tickets
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Kelemen Barnabás évtizedek óta a magyar és a nemzetközi zeneélet ünnepelt művésze, aki szólistaként és kamaramuzsikusként világszerte sikereket arat. Számos verseny győztese, játékát díjnyertes hanglemezek - köztük a Bartók Új Sorozat CD-i - örökítették meg.

Gödöllői Városi Fúvószenekar Nyárköszöntő Hangverseny Buy tickets
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Műsoron koncertindulók, komolyzenei átíratok, kortárs hazai és külföldi zeneszerzők fúvószenekarra írt darabjai, könnyűzenei feldolgozások, átíratok.

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