

THE VALUE / DramaWorks Theatre School

THE VALUE / DramaWorks Theatre School

A play in English by Nicholas Dunn

A trio of petty thieves hide out in a dingy motel room after stealing a piece of art from a museum in a smash-and-grab job. The painting offers a different possibility for each of them, but once its true value and significance becomes clear, they must confront the…  Læs mere


A play in English by Nicholas Dunn

A trio of petty thieves hide out in a dingy motel room after stealing a piece of art from a museum in a smash-and-grab job. The painting offers a different possibility for each of them, but once its true value and significance becomes clear, they must confront the reality of their own intrinsic worth in a society driven by money and power.
“ A seamless, thrilling, and funny, treatise on the worth we place on art, money, morality, and each other. A plot with continuous twists throughout in ways both surprising and inevitable. I love this play! ” Jared Shipley
Ian: Frederick Smits
Zoey: Kseniya Kulikova
Victor: Amit Kumar
McEvoy: Indi Huntley
Director of Acting Henry Fisher 
DramaWorks Theatre Company
Company Director Faye Bradbrook
Recommended for age 15+

For further details about DramaWork Theatre School


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