

Szaffi - Based on the novel The Gypsy Baron by Mór Jókai / Opera Matinée

Szaffi - Based on the novel The Gypsy Baron by Mór Jókai / Opera Matinée

Wandering Gypsies leading adventurous lives and gallant yet ridiculous nobles abusing their power are the main characters of the animated film Szaffi. This adaptation of Mór Jókai's classic novel The Gypsy Baron is by now familiar to several generations of Hungarians.

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Last event date: Sunday, March 02 2025 11:00AM

In this exciting, musical drama brought to life through the melodies of Strauss, a treasure hidden during the decades of the Turkish occupation and the love between the charming title character and the penniless Jónás Botsinkay are also key. There's no reason to worry, however: everything turns out fine in the end.

Conductor: Péter Oberfrank

Sinfonietta Erudita (artistic director: Krisztina Tötös)
Vörösmarty Mixed Choir (choirmaster: Bálint Gyombolai)

Hungarian lyrics: Sándor Fischer
projection: Zsombor Czeglédi, Norbert Tóth
costumes: Zsófia Varjas
script: Based on the script by Attila Dargay, József Nepp and József Romhányi
music: J. Strauss Jr.
assistant director: Judit Oláh-Fenyvesi
director: Attila Toronykőy

Age: 6-12 year
Presented by: Müpa Budapest
Photo: János Posztós, Müpa

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