

Solére - Kapcsolódások (Connections)  / HEY JUNE!

Solére - Kapcsolódások (Connections) / HEY JUNE!

The singer, songwriter and producer Zsófia Szigeti released her first track in 2020 under the name of Solére, and quickly became a popular performer of contemporary Hungarian pop music. Her melodic, electronic pop music also found its way to radio, and her initial hits were followed by a 16-track debut album in 2022, IMA.

Current events

Solére has been on the move ever since, even becoming one of the faces of an international Spotify campaign in 2023. As part of the Hey, June! series summer programme, her Müpa Budapest concert promises to be a heartfelt evening of depths and highs.

Solére is defined by continuous reinvention. Her second EP, KIKI, was released in the summer of 2023 and marked a new creative period in her career. Her music videos are also truly innovative, while Solére also seeks to transmit an important message to her audience. Solére was one of the first young performers in Hungary to bravely admit to having a mental illness. Since then, in addition to her music work, she has regularly participated in preventative events on the topic of mental hygiene and helped set an example for her generation. Live, her lyric-centric songs also help her develop a closer relationship with her listeners. Towards the end of 2023, Solére became the ambassador for the Equal campaign, which promotes equality for female performers. In one of the programme's highlights, Solére's image appeared on one of the giant LED walls in New York's Times Square. In Müpa Budapest's intimate atmosphere, the singer - who is ever more willing to bare her soul - will use the sound of her emotions to show the audience the kind of depths and highs that perhaps even her loved ones have never seen from her. As Solére herself puts it: "This performance is about my relationships that have formed in the last few years, both toxic and constructive.”

vocals - Zsófia Szigeti
drums - Miklós Kovács
DJ - Tamás Varga
guitar - Mátyás Doór

Presented by: Müpa Budapest


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