

Ballet Pécs: Faust, the Damned Dance drama in two parts

Ballet Pécs: Faust, the Damned Dance drama in two parts

The world premiere of László Dubrovay's dance drama Faust, the Damned took place at Müpa Budapest in 2016, as part of the Budapest Spring Festival. This large-scale production inspired by Goethe's masterpiece debuted on the main stage of the National Theatre of Pécs in the 2023/24 season, and will run again in 2024 at Müpa Budapest's Festival Theatre.  more

Current events

László Dubrovay's marvellously enchanting music comes to life with a spectacular set and an easy-to-follow plot passionately acted out by the dancers of Ballet Pécs, directed and choreographed by Balázs Vincze. This impressive production, being presented in the 2023/24 season as a collaboration between Ballet Pécs and the National Theatre of Pécs, is a genuine treat for fans of music, dance and literature alike.

This performance for the 2023/24 season has been created as a joint production of Ballet Pécs and the National Theatre of Pécs.

The world premiere was staged by Müpa Budapest in 2016, as part of the Budapest Spring Festival.

This revival of the dance drama Faust, the Damned has been supported by the National Cultural Fund.


faust..........................................................Zsolt Molnár
Mephistopheles.........................................Péter Koncz
Son of God...............................................Csongor Balogh
Gretchen....................................................Karin Iwata
Aphrodite..................................................Edina Frank
White Angels.............................................Rebeka Pintér, Szilárd Tuboly
Black Angels............................................ Nina Rónaki, Márton Szabó
Icarus / Valentin, Gretchen's brother........ Dávid Matola
Plutus.......................................................José Blasco Pastor

    Réka Annamária Horváth
    Karin Iwata
    Rebeka Pintér
    Reetta Riikonen
    Nina Rónaki
    Alexa Andrasics

People of the Netherworld / People of the World
    Réka Annamária Horváth
    Karin Iwata
    Reetta Riikonen
    Kristóf Domján
    Dávid Matola
    Bence Szendrői
    Máté Varga
    Alexa Andrasics
    Natália Nagy

Featured on recording:

Szent István Philharmonic
conductor: Kálmán Záborszky


music: László Dubrovay
set and costume designer: Zsuzsa Molnár
dramaturgs: Zsuzsa Molnár, Teodóra Uhrik
assistant choreographers:  Katalin Ujvári, Zsuzsanna Kovács
director, choreographer: Balázs Vincze

Presented by: Müpa Budapest


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