

MET 2019/2020 Massenet: Manon

MET 2019/2020 Massenet: Manon

A 2019/20-as évadban tíz új előadást láthatunk a New York-i Metropolitan Operából a Met Live in HD közvetítések révén az Uránia Nemzeti Filmszínház mozivásznán.

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Last event date: Sunday, January 05 2020 6:00PM

MET 2019/2020 - Jules Massenet: Manon

Opera Broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera, revival, 232 min, 2019
In French, with Hungarian and English subtitles

Director: Laurent Pelly

Conductor: Maurizio Benini, Set Designer: Chantal Thomas, Costume Designer: Laurent Pelly, Lighting Designer: Joël Adam, Choreographer: Lionel Hoche

Cast: Lisette Oropesa (Manon), Michael Fabiano (Chevalier des Grieux), Carlo Bosi (Guillot de Morfontaine), Artur Ruciński (Lescaut), Brett Polegato (de Brétigny), Kwangchul Youn (Comte des Grieux)

A take on the quintessentially French tale of the beautiful young woman who is incapable of forsaking both love and luxury, Massenet’s Manon features one of the truly unforgettable, irresistible, and archetypal female characters in opera. While the story is firmly set in class and gender issues of the past, the character of Manon herself is timeless, convincing, and familiar. The opera has been a success ever since its premiere, championed by a diverse roster of singers who have cherished its dramatic opportunities, exalted style, and ravishing music.

Exhilarating soprano Lisette Oropesa stars as the irresistible title character, the tragic beauty who yearns for the finer things in life, in Laurent Pelly’s revealing production. Tenor Michael Fabiano is the besotted Chevalier des Grieux, whose desperate love for Manon proves their undoing. Maurizio Benini conducts Massenet’s sensual score.

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