

The Karamazovs

The Karamazovs

Boris Eifman / Sergey Rachmaninoff / Modest Musorgskiy / Richard Wagner
The Karamazovs
Ballet in two acts

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Last event date: Sunday, February 16 2020 7:00PM

Freedom, anarchy, God, responsibility: for Boris Eifman, these are the key themes in the story of The Brothers Karamazov. In The Karamazovs, his already classic choreography based on the work, he expresses the taut web of relationships between Dostoevsky's characters through what he himself terms “psychological ballet”, in which the challenge is to use the language of dance not only to move the story along, but also to reveal what makes the characters tick. The final result is a fresh and unique reading of the novel, and one which also ventures a guess as to how the story might continue after the last page has been turned.

Photo by Csillag Pál


Az elmúlt évek egyik legnagyobb irodalmi szenzációja Radnóti Miklósné Gyarmati Fanni 1935 és 1946 között írt naplójának megjelenése volt. Szinte…

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