

FAMILIE FLÖZ: Hotel Paradiso / BTF 2018

FAMILIE FLÖZ: Hotel Paradiso / BTF 2018

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Last event date: Wednesday, April 04 2018 7:00PM

Written by: Sebastian Kautz, Anna Kistel, Thomas Rascher, Frederik Rohn, Hajo Schüler, Michael Vogel, Nicolas Witte

Performed by: Fabian Baumgarten, Matteo Fantoni, Sebastian Kautz, Anna Kistel, Daniel Matheus, Thomas Rascher, Marina Rodriguez Llorente, Frederik Rohn, Melanie Schmidli, Nicolas Witte

Masks: Thomas Rascher, Hajo Schüler

Set: Michael Ottopal

Costumes: Eliseu R. Weide

Sound: Dirk Schröder

Lighting: Reinhard Hubert

Graphics: Silke Meyer

Director: Michael Vogel


A dramatic nightmare in a respectable mountain hotel, with black humour and a touch of melancholy. A fearful and mysterious world is revealed behind the four-star elegance. But the old adage still holds true: too many corpses in a hotel will sooner or later ruin the business.

FAMILIE FLÖZ’s Infinita was one of the sensations of CAFe Budapest in 2016, and whoever saw it has been waiting impatiently for the return of the company. In 2018 we can see Hotel Paradiso, which had its premiere that same year as Infinita. The “Alpine thriller” is one of FAMILIE FLÖZ’s most popular, most toured productions, which in 2015 won the Edinburgh Fringe Festival’s “SOLD OUT” award.

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