

Gone with the Wind

Gone with the Wind

Presgurvic's name is, of course, not unknown to the Hungarian audience, since Romeo and Juliet, with its more than 500 performances, is still one our most popular productions.


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Last event date: Sunday, October 04 2020 7:00PM

The story of Scarlett O'Hara starts in 1861, when the 16 year old girl's life - which, except for a few stormy love affairs, was totally cloudless before - changes forever, as the American Civil War breaks out between the North and South. The O'Hara family soon sinks into poverty and Scarlet has to fight day after day to keep their plantation, Tara, and to ensure her family's survival. Her life is paved with destruction, birth, and death. Scarlet's ill-fated marriages, born out of defiance, all break off eventually, but in the end, through the endless hardships, she finds a last chance to start again.

Mithcell's novel provided the basis for Victor Fleming's highly acclaimed 1939 film, which received 10 Academy Awards.

The debut performance of Gone With The Wind was in France, at Palais des Sports de Paris on 30 September 2003.

With this premiere, Budapest Operetta and Musical Theatre wishes to continue its tradition of presenting literary adaptations with the aim to provide the lovers of musical theatre with meaningful entertainment and real cathartic moments.

The Musical Show by GERARD PRESGURVIC entitled "Autant en emporte le Vent"
Based on the Novel "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell
Owners and Licensors of "Autant en emporte le Vent" - Dreamers Licensing PTE. Limited - e-mail:
Margaret Mitchell Foundation
Right holder in the territory of Hungary: Pentaton Concert and Artist Management
Co-production with Szeged Open-Air Festival

Our offer

The famous symphony orchestra "Lords of the Sound" presents the musical program "The Music of Hans Zimmer", which encompasses the most famous compositions of the musical genius of our time, Hans Zimmer!

Roman Polanski hasonló című filmjéből készítette nagy sikerű színpadi rendezését, melyet nemzetközi alkotógárdával állított színre a PS Produkció. Eddig több millió nézőt vonzott szerte a világon a kultikussá vált vámpírparódia. Budapesten, 17 év után tovább folytatódik a különleges, fanyar humorú, látványos, szórakoztató, varázslatos musical sikertörténete.


Az oDEon Egyetemi Színház és a Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem bemutatja: CABARET musical

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