

Danube Art Ensemble: Székely Gate

Danube Art Ensemble: Székely Gate

A Székely gate is a symbol of ancient power, faith, hope, belonging to God, a channel of communication between heaven and earth. Its three posts represent the unity of body, soul and spirit, and its carvings are symbols that render protection, grace and blessing.

Current events

The Danube Art Ensemble drew inspiration for its production from this wonderful, richly meaningful construction. The creators want this show to open a passage between two spheres, the sacred and the secular. The viewer is transported through space and time to the past of the Székelys, reviving their long-forgotten dances, recalling their origin and evoking major events in their history. The spiritual message of a Székely gate is ‘Blessings to you who enter, peace to you who leave.'

voice: Andrea Navratil
Göncöl Band

music, music editors: István "Szalonna” Pál, Sándor Csoóri Jr
dramaturgy: Orza Călin
set: Gábor Michac
costumes: Borbála Winklerné Petri-Kiss, Rita Furik
dance masters: Berta Módos Almásiné - Máté Módos - Balázs Sáfrán - Csaba Szabó -
                         - Ágnes Farkas - Beáta Gaschler - Áron Antal - Anett Nagypál
dance troup leaders: Gyula András Soós, Katalin Bonifert
choreographers: Tamás Farkas - Norbert "Cimbi” Kovács - Ignác Kádár - Zsolt Juhász - Orza Călin
director: Zsolt Juhász

The premiere was presented by Müpa Budapest as a joint event with the Danube Art Ensemble as part of the Bartók Spring.

Photo: Tamás Végh
Presented by: Müpa Budapest


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