

Budapest Ritmo NAPIJEGY (érvényes 04.09. 15:30 órától) / BARTÓK TAVASZ 2022

Budapest Ritmo NAPIJEGY (érvényes 04.09. 15:30 órától) / BARTÓK TAVASZ 2022

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Saturday, April 09 2022 3:30PM


8 pm – 9 pm Divanhana

9.30 pm – 10.30 pm Random Trip feat. Bea Palya, Mihály Borbély, Miklós Lukács & Márk Zentai

11 pm – 12 pm Liraz



8.30 pm – 9.30 pm Boi Akih

10 pm – 11 pm António Zambujo



10.30 pm – 11.30 pm Hannah James & Toby Kuhn


On the third day of Budapest Ritmo, fusion genres and deep emotions will dominate the stages of the Aquarium Club. The evening will open with Divanhana, an orchestra of Balkan sevdah songs and upbeat rhythms. On Saturday you can also be amazed by the unmistakable sound, improvisational and experimental performance mode of Boi Akih. Dodó Kis, a Hungarian recorder player shares the stage with Indonesian, Dutch and Guinean band members, as they fuse the sounds of the Indian Ocean, Dutch jazz and the kora, the harp of Africa. António Zambujó, repeatedly voted the best male fado singer, will also give a solo performance, rarely seen on the Budapest Ritmo stage. The duo of Hannah James and Toby Kuhn is as singular as a spontaneous collaboration gets: voice, accordion and cello form the basis of a folky sound, spiced up with a little tap dancing. The highlight of the evening will be the concert of Liraz, an Israeli Persian singer-songwriter with a magical voice, who combines modern Israeli music with his Persian roots, from Rumi poems through lullabies to songs that set the dancefloor ablaze.

This event of the Bartók Spring is jointly presented by Müpa Budapest and Hangvető.

Our offer

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