

A tribute to Dezső Tandori / LITERÁRIUM EXTRA

A tribute to Dezső Tandori / LITERÁRIUM EXTRA

The compilers of the programme have strived to include his most important poems from every period, though in addition to his main works they will also cover several excerpts, bravura improvisations and playful pieces - proof of Tandori's multi-faceted genius.

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Last event date: Monday, November 18 2019 7:00PM

18 November 2019, Monday
7 pm — 9 pm

In February of this year, an immeasureably rich body of work was left to us by a poet who departed for the Elysian Fields. From our narrow perspective, there can be no doubt that Dezső Tandori was the defining figure of his era in terms of contemporary Hungarian poetry, a man who created a new direction for poetry writing, causing the poetic voice to journey across numerous territories which had never been covered before. Previously untouched sounds, topics, objects and forms were already visible in his very first volume of poetry, Töredék Hamletnek, while his accomplished style has had an inexorable impact on Hungarian poetry in recent decades. Though his prose writings, translating work and essays also place him among the greats, the content of this Müpa Budapest memorial evening will largely focus on Tandori's poetry.
The compilers of the programme have strived to include his most important poems from every period, though in addition to his main works they will also cover several excerpts, bravura improvisations and playful pieces - proof of Tandori's multi-faceted genius. There will also be a chance for contemporary poets and writers, close and distant friends and contemporaries to remember the writer during a roundtable discussion, as well as readings of works inspired by him and that recall his angel-like disposition, fragile character and captivating artistic work.

presenter, host    Lajos Jánossy

programme compiled by    Gábor Németh, Lajos Jánossy
set designer    Edit Zeke
visual design    Zsolt Czakó, Gergely Máté Oláh
director    Eszter Novák
series compiled by    Tibor Keresztury

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