

The Castle

The Castle

construction in one part


Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Tuesday, May 14 2024 7:00PM

On a dark, snowy winter night, K, the surveyor, arrives in the village overlooked by the castle of Count Westwest. K has been ordered there to do surveying work, but no matter how hard he tries to get up to the castle, he fails to make contact with his employers, only with the locals, who are suspicious. Maybe the castle doesn't exist, and maybe K isn't a surveyor either, although the next day two assistants apply to him... Viktor Bodó stages Kafka's novel with his usual absurdist imagination and grotesque humor.

The script for the Comedy Theatre production was written with the help of the Adaptation Office staff, namely Viktor Bodó, Júlia Róbert, Anna Veress, Sibylle Meier and Krisztina Kovács.

The Public Service reserves the right to make changes!

Due to the use of stroboscopes, pregnant mothers, people with epilepsy and people with pacemakers are not recommended to attend the show. Please note that we use strong sound effects in our performances!

The performance is not recommended for children under 16.

Our offer

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