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Busy with music

By finding creative uses for everyday items, such as towels, scarves, clothes pegs, buttons and wooden blocks, Zsuzsanna Tóth Hegedűs, an instructor at the ELTE Faculty of Teacher Training and Childcare, gives new meaning to routine activities like getting dressed, bathing and hanging clothes up to dry through songs and rhymes.

Presented by: Müpa Budapest


Szeretettel várunk minden régi és új érdeklődőt jó hangulatú zenés rendezvényünkre! Hétvégi Randevú az Anonymus Retro Band zenekarral. Jegyek elővételben…

The famous symphony orchestra "Lords of the Sound" presents the musical program "The Music of Hans Zimmer", which encompasses the…

Dee Dee Bridgewater's career is now in its sixth decade, and while she says she's put in a lot of…

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