

Liszt Múzeum - Matinékoncert: Sveda Brigitta (zongora)

Liszt Múzeum - Matinékoncert: Sveda Brigitta (zongora)

Sveda Brigitta koncertje


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Last event date: Saturday, February 03 2018 11:00AM


J.S.Bach: g-moll Prelúdium és fúga BWV 861
F.Schubert: f-moll Impromptu op. 142/1
B-dúr Impromptu op. 142/3
R.Schumann: Kreisleriana op. 16

Our offer

The World of Ballet Remembers a Hungarian Legend

Az Orfeum mágusa A Budapesti Operettszínház 100. jubileumi évének díszelőadása − ez a vadonatúj nagyoperett − mágikus időutazásra hívja a becses publikumot.

Two bodies meet at one point. This point is now common. Two bodies, two people meet at this common point. They are touched. Being touched is like getting into something exceptionally sensitive, intimate, deep. In this moment, something really important, something essential happens. Something inside moves and changes.


János Vajda THE IMAGINARY INVALID OR THE CABAL OF HYPOCRITES Opera in two acts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English…

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