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Last event date: Wednesday, May 29 2024 7:00PM

The count happens to be a successful stage author and the baron’s daughter, who falls in love with the ‘butler’, dreams of being an actress. A real actress from the nearby estate wants to win the author for herself, the girl wants the butler, her father wants the count - to marry his daughter, that is. In Baroness Lili everyone wants something different, even when they all want the exact same man.

Huszka Jenő takes us to a rich, dreamy operetta world with his great melodies, he guides us between extremes of passion and comedy in the rather small and intimate space of our Studio Theatre. The merging of these extremes create an energy that allows this performance to transcend the conventional limits of the genre. Baroness Lili is both more and less than a grand operetta: there’s nothing more than nine actors, one musician and an incredible story.

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Roman Polanski hasonló című filmjéből készítette nagy sikerű színpadi rendezését, melyet nemzetközi alkotógárdával állított színre a PS Produkció. Eddig több…

A vadászat című, mára már ikonikus album 1984-ben jelent meg, idén ünnepli 40. évfordulóját. Hobo és nagyszerű zenekara a rangos…

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