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Last event date: Saturday, August 27 2022 2:00PM

The Panorama of Budapest is not only an unforgettable experience, but an illustration of the capital's history. The banks - added to the World Heritage List of UNESCO - offer one of the world's most outstandingly beautiful urban cityscapes. The site, insribed in 1987, streches from the Chain Bridge to the Technical University on the Buda side; an area containing the Gellért Baths, the Gellért Hill with the Statue of Liberty and the Citadel, furthermore the building ensemble of the Buda Castle. 

The Danube, this very important and mighty river that takes its source from Germany,  flows through many capitals on its journey to the Black sea. In Budapest it runs majestically through the center of the city, creating one of the finest panoramas of the continent.

 This program was created for those who would like to see our city during the day. You will be welcomed on board of one of our air-conditioned or heated ships, which will take you on a 1 hour and 30 minutes long cruise with an cozy warm buffet-lunch without guiding.

You can book the cruise without lunch, with drinks only as well (a glass of champagne and another glass of drink: soft drink, wine or beer) or with Only Cruise option.

Meeting point: Duna Palota (1051, Budapest Zrínyi Street 5.). Please be at the ticket office latest by 13:30.



Cold entries

Spiced cottage cheese cream and traditional greaves cream


Alföld style goulash with small dumplings

Vegetable cream soup soup


Warm main courses

Mini stuffed cabbage

Traditional chicken leg „Paprikasch”

Roasted chicken breast with basil-cheese sauce

Spicy pork rib with thyme – mustard sauce

Roasted sea fish with Chardonnay sauce


Garnishes and vegetarian

Grilled polenta with feta cheese

Grilled vegetables

Homemade dumplings with spinach and mustard-mushroom sauce

Steamed jasmin rice with corn

Hash-brown potatoes

Steak potatoes




Fresh seasonal salads with dressings

Italian pasta salad

Caesar’s salad

Sweet corn salad with mayonnaise


Season fruit basket



Home-made strudel

Somló style sponge cake

Mini tarts

Dessert variations Európa style




1 Welcome drink, 1 glass of wine (or juice) and 1 bottle of mineral water

Our offer

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After earning tremendous critical and popular acclaim at last year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival, IMA is returning to Müpa Budapest, again playing in a tent set up next to the building.


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