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This performance is not recommended for chrildren under the age of 18.

Prokofiev was inspired to compose a musical drama based on Leo Tolstoy’s colossal historical novel War and Peace by the invasion of Russia by Nazi Germany. The Peace in the first half of the opera is a series of Prokofiev’s most beautiful and intimate tableaus, and it forms a strong contrast with the tsarist (or Soviet) scenes of the second, War part. Prokofiev paints a masterful picture of the fight of the masses and the individual characters in it. He interweaves the plot into a gigantic tale of love and death. The opera featuring 72 characters is adapted and produced by Catalan director Calixto Bieito.

Co-production of the Hungarian State Opera and the Grand Théâtre de Genève.
Performing rights licensed by Musikverlag Hans Sikorski GmbH, Berlin.

General cast
Andrei Bolkonski........................................................................................... Csaba Szegedi
Natascha Rostova........................................................................................ Andrea Brassói-Jőrös
Pierre Bezukhov........................................................................................... Szabolcs Brickner
General Kutuzov........................................................................................... Péter Fried
Napoleon Bonaparte.................................................................................... Zsolt Haja
Count Ilya Rostov; Natasha's father............................................................ István Kovács
Helene Bezukhova; Pierre’s wife, Anatole’s sister....................................... Erika Gál
Sonia Rostova.............................................................................................. Melinda Heiter
Maria Dimitrievna Ajhrossimova / Mavra Kouzminicha................................ Andrea Szántó
Dolokhov / Jacquot...................................................................................... Antal Cseh
Lieutenant Colonel Denisov......................................................................... András Kiss
Platon Karataiev.......................................................................................... Péter Balczó
Anatole Kuragin........................................................................................... Zoltán Nyári
Princess Maria Bolkonskaia......................................................................... Anna Csenge Fürjes
Matryosha, a gypsy / Marshal Murat’s adjutant............................................ Lusine Sahakyan
Gavrila, Akhrosimova’s footman / Commander Berthier / General Davout... Boldizsár Zajkás
The Bolkonskys’ old footman / Tikhon Scherbaty / Matveev......................... Máté Fülep
Fyodor, volunteering peasant / Prince Evgeny’s adjutant / Gérard............... Benjámin Beeri
Prince Andrei’s messenger / Ivanov, a Muscovite / Host of the ball.............. Barna Bartos
Footman at the ball / Kutuzov’s adjutant / A voice......................................... Gergely Biri
The Bolkonskys’ valet / Napoleon’s adjutant / French officer......................... Attila Dobák
French abbot / Monsieur de Beausset, Napoleon’s cook...............................Gergely Ujvári
Princess Marya’s lady’s maid........................................................................ Zsuzsanna Kapi
Métivier, French doctor................................................................................... Bence Pataki
General Compans’s adjutant.......................................................................... Róbert Zoltán Lakai
Zapevala / A voice.......................................................................................... Miroslav Mladenov Mehandzhiev

Conductor..................................................................................................... Alan Buribayev

Composer: Sergei Prokofiev
Libretto based on the novel of Leo Tolstoy by: Sergei Prokofiev / Mira Mendelson
Director: Calixto Bieito
Set designer: Rebecca Ringst
Costume designer: Ingo Krügler
Lighting designer: Michael Bauer
Video: Sarah Derendinger
Dramaturg: Beate Breidenbach
Hungarian subtitles based on Katalin Alter’s rough translation by: Minka Benkő
English subtitles: Richard Neel
Chorus director: Gábor Csiki


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