

Csoda and Kósza

Csoda and Kósza

In the characters of the foolish Kósza and the more rational Csoda, Zoltán Czigány's tale re-creates the eternal pair, which parents might recognize as the Lolka and Bolka combo from their generation, or grandparents as the Stan and Pan duo from their own.  more

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Last event date: Saturday, May 04 2024 11:00AM

Csoda and Kósza live on a farm in Gödöllő, near Budapest. At first sight, they look ordinary horses, owned by Uncle Sajó and Aunt Gyöngyi.  But do normal horses make pizza for a minister, or make a journey to Mars if they feel like it?
In the characters of the foolish Kósza and the more rational Csoda, Zoltán Czigány's tale re-creates the eternal pair, which parents might recognize as the Lolka and Bolka combo from their generation, or grandparents as the Stan and Pan duo from their own. 


Running time: 1 hour with no intermission

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VIII. Henrik az angol történelem talán egyik legkülönösebb szereplője, aki nemcsak szélsőséges tetteinek lenyomatát hagyta az utókorra, hanem hat házasságának legendáját is.

Giuseppe Verdi RIGOLETTO Opera in three acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

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