

Ariadne auf Naxos

Ariadne auf Naxos

Richard Strauss
Opera in one act with prologue, in German, with Hungarian, English and German surtitles

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Last event date: Friday, June 30 2023 7:00PM

"Music is a sacred art, gathering the wildest follies like cherubim around a gleaming throne!" - such is the Composer's article of faith proclaimed in the Prologue of Ariadne auf Naxos which is the most exciting opera of Richard Strauss and Hugo von Hofmannstahl. It playfully combines two very different art forms: tragic opera and romantic farce. The result is a richly textured work that examines the role of art in society, and contrasts true love with cheerful promiscuity. "We perform merriness and sadness, love and death simultaneously because we must live. And this is life itself. As these emotions are mixed in our everyday lives, now they will be mixed at the theatre too." – says the stage director, Ferenc Anger

Director: Ferenc Anger
Costume designer: Gergely Zöldy Z
Choreographer: Marianna Venekei
Hungarian subtitles: Máté Mesterházi
English subtitles: Judit Kenesey | Arthur Roger Crane


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